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A Treatise on White Magic - Rule Ten - The Present Age and the Future |
Work on the etheric body, however, from the standpoint of the
Hierarchy is not confined only to the bodies of men. It is a planetary process. The
etheric body of [373] the earth itself is being subjected to a definite stimulation. The
spirit of the earth, that mysterious entity - not the planetary Logos - is being vivified
in a new sense and in his vivification many interesting developments eventuate. In three
ways this is being attempted:
The spirit of the earth, it might be noted, is of slow and gradual arousing. He is on the involutionary arc and passes on to the evolutionary in some dim and distant future. Therefore, he will not carry us with him. He but serves our purpose now, offering us a home within his body, yet remaining dissociated from us. The devas of the ethers from this very stimulation are consequently hastening forward in evolution and approximating also nearer to their ideal. In all I have said anent the etheric body of men, anent the planet, anent the spirit of the earth, the crux of the whole situation lies in the fact that the five rays at this time have the seventh ray as their predominating ray. The seventh ray is the ray that controls the etheric and the devas of the ethers. It controls the seventh subplane of all planes but it dominates at this time the seventh subplane of the physical plane. Being in the fourth [374] round also, when a ray comes into definite incarnation, it not only controls on planes of the same number but has a special influence on the fourth subplane. Note how this works at this time in the three worlds:
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