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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section Two - Division F - The Law of Attraction |
11. The Law of the Schools. (The Law of Love and
Light.) This is a mysterious term used to cover the law as it affects the expansions of
consciousness which an initiate undergoes, and his ability to attract to himself through
It will be evident, therefore, to the thoughtful student that this Law of the Schools is primarily applicable to all units of divine life who have arrived at, or transcended the stage of self-consciousness. It has consequently a vital connection with the human kingdom, and there is an occult significance in the fact that this is the eleventh [1174] Law. It is the law which enables a man to unite two of his aspects (the personal self and the Higher Self). It is the law which governs the transition of the human atom into another and a higher kingdom. It is the law which (when comprehended and conformed to) enables a man to enter into a new cycle. It is the law of the adept, of the Master, and of the perfected man. For this reason it might be of profit here if we dealt with it a little more fully than with the other laws, for mankind is now at the stage where a number of its units are ready to come under the specific influence of this law, and thus be transferred out of the Hall of Learning, via the Hall of Wisdom, into the fifth or spiritual kingdom. This Law of the Schools does not specifically apply to the deva evolution. They come under another law called "The Law of Passive Resistance" which does not concern us here, nor would it profit us to consider it. Three main groups of existences are controlled by it:
It will be apparent, therefore, that this law concerns the great experiment which has been inaugurated on earth by our planetary Logos in connection with the process of initiation, and it has only held sway since the Door of Initiation was opened in Atlantean days. It does not, therefore, apply to all the members of the human family; some of whom will achieve slowly and under the sway of the basic Law of Evolution. It does not affect, in any way, for instance, those members of the human family who have individualized on the earth chain through the fanning of the spark of mind - one of the methods employed by the Lords of the Flame, as earlier seen. [1175] It can be studied in two main divisions, first, in connection with the human units passing under hierarchical influence in the Hall of Wisdom, and also in connection with the various planetary schemes. Each scheme exists in order to teach a specific aspect of consciousness, and each planetary school or Hierarchy subjects its pupils to this law, only in manners diverse. These planetary schools are necessarily governed by certain factors of which the two most important are the peculiar karma of the planetary Logos concerned, and His particular Ray. It is not possible at this stage to convey to students the information as to the nature of each planetary school. They exist in five great groups:
We might regard the presiding lives in these departmental schools as the custodians of the Path, and responsible, therefore, for the divine Pilgrim during the final stages of the treading of the Path of Evolution. They begin to work with men from the moment they first set foot upon the Probationary Path and They continue Their work until the seventh initiation is taken. The Masters, therefore, Who take pupils for training, are numbered amongst them, whilst the Masters Who do not concern Themselves with individuals and their development are not. It is not possible to give fully the types of schools and teaching which is given on the different planets. All that can be done is to give an occult phrase which will convey to the intuitive student the necessary hint. |
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