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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section One - Division F - The Law of Economy |
II. The Subsidiary Laws The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in number, dealing with the lower quaternary:
Every atom of matter can be studied in four aspects, and is governed by one or other, or all of the four above mentioned laws.
These general rules relating to atomic bodies can be extended not only to the atoms of the physical plane, but to all spheroidal bodies within the system, and including the system also, regarding it as a cosmic atom. The tiny atom of the physical plane, a plane itself, a planet, and a solar system all evolve under these rules, and all are governed by the Law of Economy in one of its four aspects. It might be added in closing, that this law is one that initiates have to master before They can achieve liberation. They have to learn to manipulate matter, and to work with energy or force in matter under this law; they have to utilize matter and energy in order to achieve the liberation of Spirit, and to bring to fruition the purposes of the Logos in the evolutionary process. [223] |
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