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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Introductory Postulates |
III. All souls are identical with the Oversoul.
- The Logos of the solar system is the Macrocosm. Man is the Microcosm.
- Soul is an aspect of every form of life from a Logos to an atom.
- This relationship between all souls and the Oversoul constitutes the basis for the
scientific belief in Brotherhood. Brotherhood is a fact in nature, not an ideal.
- The Law of Correspondences will explain the details of this relationship. This Law of
Correspondences or of Analogy is the interpretive law of the system, and explains God to
- Just as God is the Macrocosm for all the kingdoms in Nature, so man is the Macrocosm for
all the subhuman kingdoms.
- The goal for the evolution of the atom is self-consciousness as exemplified in the human
The goal for the evolution of man is group consciousness, as exemplified by a planetary
The goal for the planetary Logos is God consciousness, as exemplified by the solar Logos.
- The solar Logos is the sumtotal of all the states of consciousness within the solar
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