Seeds of Light Information Service

The Subconscious Mind

The Forming of the Subconscious Part of the Mind

Out of sight, out of mind?

What-so-ever we repress within ourselves does not disappear. The subject material is pushed into a part of the mind called the subconscious. It stays with us and exerts an influence from the depths of our being. Like unpaid bills, this material begins to build up until we deal with it or it deals with us!

"Whatever we deny will exert itself more and more strongly until we understand and intergrate that part back into our individual being."

Repression and denial are strange old strategies because if we deny or repress a certain aspect of our beings, for example our sense of humour or a particular emotion like anger, sadness or joy, then this repressed / denied part, because it is linked to the whole, has a knock-on effect to all other aspects of our being.


"Denial / repression of a part, effects the whole Being."


So, if we deny some very large part of ourselves, like emotionality, intelligence, or sexuality, then we may find that we can no longer enjoy or appreciate a huge collection of inter-related subjects, for instance music appreciation, food, friendship, intelligent thinking and acting, and relationships, to name but few. The repressed and denied part begins to draw more and more of the inter-related conscious mind elements into the unconscious - like bath water being sucked down the plug hole.

These subconscious mind elements are the blockages that prevent us from living a fully conscious life - an enlightened existence. They are held in the Chakras as damaging, ignorant, and negative programs that we must rid ourselves of.

The Seven Major Chakras - centres of differing aspects of consciousness.

As Swami Satchidananda (of Integral Yoga) informs us;

"We are simply removing the blockages to the Grace of God. We are not doing anything to get that grace, because it is already here."

So, these blockages - this disturbing subconscious mindstuff - must be eliminated, discarded, and dissolved from our being. Yoga is a system that shows us how to achieve this. Read through the contents of the Seeds of Light Information Service and especially The Energy Enhancement Book to become more wise, peaceful, happy, active and loving. Learn how to remove the blockages, to dispel the disturbances of the subconscious mind, to become healed, whole, and Holy.



Fig 2: The Forming of the subconscious part of the human mind.


Key to fig 2: The forming of the subconscious mind.

  1. The Conscious part of mind.
  2. Ordinary waking, sleeping and dreaming state of the conscious developing ego / individual human. Aspects of consciousness available for human experience

  3. The Subconscious part of mind.
  4. Aspects of being that have been repressed and / or denied (a,d,e), are banished (b) from the conscious mind and go to form the subconscious mind.

  5. The Unconscious part of mind.
  6. Part of the human psyche not generally accessible to conscious inspection.

    As the subconsious mind (2) becomes larger through the process (b), the conscious mind (1) and thus the developing individual, is stunted, as more and more aspects (a,d,e) of the conscioius state gradually fade back into an unconscious state (3) via the newly formed subconscious mind (2).

'A', 'D', and 'E': Aspects of human behaviour / mind.

Aspects that are in the conscious state. These aspects have been allowed to remain in our ordinary waking state by the environment that we are conditioned to live within.

'B'. Aspect banished through conditioning process.

An aspect of the individual that was 'unwanted', 'unacceptable', is banished from the conscious waking state and goes to join / form the subconscious part of mind.

Similar, related aspects, like (a,d, and e), will gradually or indeed rapidly follow (b) into the subconscious.

'C'. Banished aspects of the conscious mind form the subconscious 'shadow' part of mind.

Deep in the subconscious are the banished aspects of our conscious mind and being.








Seeds of Light Information Service

The Subconscious Mind

The Forming of the Subconscious Part of the Mind

Out of sight, out of mind?

What-so-ever we repress within ourselves does not disappear. The subject material is pushed into a part of the mind called the subconscious. It stays with us and exerts an influence from the depths of our being. Like unpaid bills, this material begins to build up until we deal with it or it deals with us!

"Whatever we deny will exert itself more and more strongly until we understand and intergrate that part back into our individual being."

Repression and denial are strange old strategies because if we deny or repress a certain aspect of our beings, for example our sense of humour or a particular emotion like anger, sadness or joy, then this repressed / denied part, because it is linked to the whole, has a knock-on effect to all other aspects of our being.


"Denial / repression of a part, effects the whole Being."


So, if we deny some very large part of ourselves, like emotionality, intelligence, or sexuality, then we may find that we can no longer enjoy or appreciate a huge collection of inter-related subjects, for instance music appreciation, food, friendship, intelligent thinking and acting, and relationships, to name but few. The repressed and denied part begins to draw more and more of the inter-related conscious mind elements into the unconscious - like bath water being sucked down the plug hole.

These subconscious mind elements are the blockages that prevent us from living a fully conscious life - an enlightened existence. They are held in the Chakras as damaging, ignorant, and negative programs that we must rid ourselves of.

The Seven Major Chakras - centres of differing aspects of consciousness.

As Swami Satchidananda (of Integral Yoga) informs us;

"We are simply removing the blockages to the Grace of God. We are not doing anything to get that grace, because it is already here."

So, these blockages - this disturbing subconscious mindstuff - must be eliminated, discarded, and dissolved from our being. Yoga is a system that shows us how to achieve this. Read through the contents of the Seeds of Light Information Service and especially The Energy Enhancement Book to become more wise, peaceful, happy, active and loving. Learn how to remove the blockages, to dispel the disturbances of the subconscious mind, to become healed, whole, and Holy.



Fig 2: The Forming of the subconscious part of the human mind.


Key to fig 2: The forming of the subconscious mind.

  1. The Conscious part of mind.
  2. Ordinary waking, sleeping and dreaming state of the conscious developing ego / individual human. Aspects of consciousness available for human experience

  3. The Subconscious part of mind.
  4. Aspects of being that have been repressed and / or denied (a,d,e), are banished (b) from the conscious mind and go to form the subconscious mind.

  5. The Unconscious part of mind.
  6. Part of the human psyche not generally accessible to conscious inspection.

    As the subconsious mind (2) becomes larger through the process (b), the conscious mind (1) and thus the developing individual, is stunted, as more and more aspects (a,d,e) of the conscioius state gradually fade back into an unconscious state (3) via the newly formed subconscious mind (2).

'A', 'D', and 'E': Aspects of human behaviour / mind.

Aspects that are in the conscious state. These aspects have been allowed to remain in our ordinary waking state by the environment that we are conditioned to live within.

'B'. Aspect banished through conditioning process.

An aspect of the individual that was 'unwanted', 'unacceptable', is banished from the conscious waking state and goes to join / form the subconscious part of mind.

Similar, related aspects, like (a,d, and e), will gradually or indeed rapidly follow (b) into the subconscious.

'C'. Banished aspects of the conscious mind form the subconscious 'shadow' part of mind.

Deep in the subconscious are the banished aspects of our conscious mind and being.