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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section III - Forces behind the Evolutionary Process
  1. The doing of everything possible to bring the war to an end. Every physical plane method must be used to drive the forces of evil and of cruelty back to their dark place. Physical plane methods, when motivated by unchanging love of humanity and under the direction of an enlightened soul, become agents of righteousness. There are worse things than the death of the physical body; there is the enslaving of the human soul.
  2. The focusing of the inner life towards the Hierarchy in radiant faith. The way of the Coming One must be made clear, and the life force must be dedicated to the outer life of compassion.
  3. The clarifying of the mental life in the pure light of the soul. Disciples live too much in the world of feeling; hence the clouding of their vision. When they have clarified their minds and see the situation whole, they can then appeal to the Avatar to make His appearance. This appeal must be made via the Christ.
  4. Disciples must endeavor to understand what are the objectives of the Avatar, and thus fit themselves to cooperate.

The second step is to understand clearly what is the task which must be undertaken in preparation for the Coming One. This entails four things:

  1. The effort to stand with all other disciples and aspirants in an attempt to call forth the Avatar, to reach Him by focused intensive thought and to evoke His response. This [312] is the purpose of the new Invocation. It voices intent, makes demand and pledges cooperation.
  2. The providing of a nucleus or group through which the Avatar of Synthesis can work when the lesser Avatar has come forth upon the physical plane. This involves individual activity, the sounding out of a clear note, based on clear mental perception, the recognition of those allied in the work and the development of conscious group work. In this group work the personality is subordinated and only the following determinations are dominant:
    1. The determination to offer group service - as a group - to the world group.
    2. The determination to establish right human relations upon the planet.
    3. The determination to develop everywhere the spirit of goodwill.
    4. The determination to withstand evil through planned group activity.
  3. To construct a network of light and service in every land. This is begun in the individual environment of the server, and gradually extended throughout the world. It was with this idea in view that I suggested the forming of triangles of people, pledged to use the Invocation and to extend its use through the world. It is my specific plan to help mass world thought and thus evoke the Avatar, and likewise to provide a world group through which the new forces and energies can function, the new ideas can spread, and the coming world order find adherents.
  4. To prepare the general public for the Coming One by pointing out the testimony of the past, the recognition of the universal need for divine intervention and the holding out of hope to the distressed, the doubting and the tortured. In His appearance lies hope, and history testifies that it has frequently happened at times of world crisis.

Such are the possibilities which I present to your understanding. I have told and taught you much in past years. [313] I have often asked for your cooperation and your help in world service. Some have responded and given help. Many have longed to aid. The majority have done little or nothing. In this moment of crisis (within the world crisis) I again ask for your cooperation and leave you to make your decision.

May the love of God and of your fellowmen inspire you; the light of your souls direct you and the strength of the group enable you to aid in bringing good out of the present evil by right action and clear thinking.

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