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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations
Scorpio and Aquarius are also in a peculiar relation to each other through the planet Mercury which governs the [219] human family (being the hierarchical planet in Scorpio), and through Neptune which rules Cancer, thus governing expression upon the physical plane. In this connection the Moon is given as the orthodox ruler and the hierarchical rule of Aquarius. I would here remind you that the Moon is usually regarded as "veiling" or "hiding" some planet and of these there are three which the Moon may be veiling. Here the intuition of the astrologer and of the esoteric student must be called out. These planets are Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus. These three create and influence certain aspects of the Mother principle, which nourish and feed the life of the inner divine reality until the time comes when the Christ child is brought to the birth. They determine or condition the physical, astral and mental natures, thus creating the personality. They form a triangle of immense creative potency, upon which theme I will later enlarge when dealing with the Science of Triangles. The point which I am here making is that through the influence of Mercury and Neptune the group consciousness of the individual is developed, so that through the tests in Scorpio and the experience in Aquarius the disciple emerges on the physical plane into the position of a world server; all world servers are decentralized workers and are governed by the need and the reactions of the mass or group. That is one of the reasons why, when in training, disciples are absorbed into a Master's group which is integrally a collection of individuals who are imbued with the group idea and are learning increasingly to react to it. In this world period and in a peculiar manner, as far as the race (Aryan) to which the Western world belongs, Neptune is known esoterically as the Initiator. In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, [220] is spoken of as Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age. The formula runs as follows, speaking esoterically: "... the fish goddesses who have leapt from earth (Virgo) to water (Pisces) untidily give birth to the Fish God (Christ) who introduces the water of life into the ocean of substance and thus brings light to the world. Thus does Neptune work." This is, however, a great mystery, revealed only at the time of the second initiation in which the control of the fluidic astral plane is demonstrated.

Cancer, being the door to incarnation, has a close relation to Scorpio through Neptune and Mars, both of whom are expressions of the sixth ray energy. In Cancer, you have the devotion of the soul, developed to such an extent that the urge to manifest overcomes all other urges, and the processes of incarnation impose themselves upon the soul. In Scorpio, that same spirit of devotion (which is based on the sense of duality and the need to go out towards that which is not the Self) is turned in the reverse direction and the urge towards liberation and the desire to tread the Path of Return becomes so strong that the disciple submits to tests, reverses - at tremendous cost and pain - his position upon the wheel of life and assumes the attitude of the Observer in contradistinction to that of the Experiencer. Old identifications cease; new trends toward higher, subtler and more spiritual identifications begin to appear and then Neptune and Mars begin to play their part.

A close study of all the above relations will reveal the fact that four signs of the zodiac play a dominant part, therefore, in the life of the man who is working whilst in incarnation with his Sun in Scorpio or with Scorpio rising. These are: [221]

  • Aries - Cardinal Cross - Initiating impulse - Life.
  • Cancer - Cardinal Cross - Focused impulse - Incarnation.
  • Scorpio - Fixed Cross - Reversing impulse - Return.
  • Aquarius - Fixed Cross - Group impulse - Service.

These are signs 1-4-8-11. These numbers in themselves are most significant for they are the signs of will-desire, of human expression, of the Christ principle and of initiation. There is no need for me to enlarge upon this fourfold theme and the truth of its implied teaching, for it is obvious and clear and the history of the soul is sealed up in these numbers.

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