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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations
We are told that Sagittarius governs the thighs, which are the main center of physical power and protective strength, and also the sacral center which provides the energy for the use of the creative powers of the physical life. This is also symbolically true. In Sagittarius, the disciple has two things to discover within himself; these are the power to make progress upon the path and to walk the Way, and also the ability to create in the higher and spiritual sense. This concerns the relationship between the sacral and the throat centers. These powers (the higher powers) are as yet embryonic in the earlier Sagittarian experience of the disciple, but they become more developed and potent as he cyclically returns to life experience in this sign.

It is interesting to note that no planet is exalted in Sagittarius and that no planet falls in this sign. Only one thing happens and that is that the power of Mercury is greatly lessened. For this reason Sagittarius is esoterically regarded as a sign of balance and of no extremes; there is no great fall and no exaltation. This fact indicates that the disciple has to walk an even way between the pairs of opposites, uninfluenced by either the "power of exaltation or the potency of that which falls." Neither the valley nor the heights produces any demonstrable effect.

Mercury, which is the expression of the fourth ray and also the God of the mental processes, has his power definitely lessened in this sign and this for two reasons, esoterically speaking: [192]

  • First, the disciple has definitely to cease identifying himself with either his own human personality and processes or with the human kingdom, prior to taking initiation. His emphasis is, for the future, to be upon the spiritual soul and the fifth kingdom in nature; in Sagittarius he begins to express this first stage. This involves a complete withdrawal, in the personality sense, from the form side of life. This again entails (at a certain point of crisis) a point of balance.
  • Secondly, the power of the mind, having been developed, tested and found true in the sign Scorpio, begins to wane in its activity and the intuition begins to take its place. This is essential before the sign Capricorn is entered by the disciple and preparation for initiation begins.

As regards the three decanates of Sagittarius, Sepharial gives us the three governing planets as Mercury, the Moon and the Sun, whilst Alan Leo gives us Jupiter, Mars and the Sun, emphasizing as he always does the way of the esotericists. He usually tunes in on the esoteric significances but not always. Jupiter gives expansion, superseding Mercury, for the mercurial mind is ever a limitation even if only a temporary one. The Moon gives place to Mars, which confers the quality of devotion and the capacity to fight for an ideal. This idealistic concept and method of work is always the characteristic of discipleship during the early stages of unfoldment upon the Path. The Sun, typifying the solar Angel remains constant both through the exoteric and the esoteric processes and therefore astrology recognizes it as a constant pressure and presence. This fact in itself indicates a significant truth. The soul remains eternally present - in the past, in the present and on into the future.

In closing, I will simply quote to you the two keywords [193] of this sign, both as it proceeds upon the ordinary wheel and upon the reversed wheel. Their meaning and significance are so obvious that there is no need for elucidation. The injunction to the man upon the orthodox wheel is as follows:

And the Word said:

  • "Let food be sought."

To the man upon the reversed wheel the Word goes forth:

  • "I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another."

May the words of this final injunction to the disciple carry meaning to the heart and mind.

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