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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations
It will interest you to note that average humanity is, therefore, subjected to the influences of three major signs at this time and conditioned by potencies coming from each of the three Crosses. These present men with the responsibility of choice, evoking their free will, their trend towards self-determination and their established decision at this time of world crisis. You will note that the world disciples are related to the mass of men through their responsiveness to influences emanating from Gemini, and to each other through Scorpio. This produces in them the capacity to respond to test, to a sense of the vision (through the illumined eye of Taurus) and to use their power of [163] individuality through a developed personality and through the potency of Leo. Initiates are brought into relation to the world disciples through the constellation Scorpio, to the hierarchical center through Capricorn, and to the mass through Pisces, the sign of all world saviors.

Seven constellations are, therefore, predominantly brought into a close combination at the present moment of crisis and are responsible for world affairs as they are found today:

  • Cancer - Capricorn: The Cardinal Cross. "Both Gates stand wide."
  • Taurus - Leo - Scorpio: The Fixed Cross. "The Disciples dominate the world."
  • Gemini - Pisces: The Mutable Cross. "World salvation is possible today.

The exoteric and the esoteric planetary rulers of Capricorn are the same, and Saturn rules the career of the man in this sign, no matter whether he is on the ordinary or the reversed wheel, or whether he is on the Mutable or the Fixed Cross. When he has taken the third initiation and can consciously mount the Cardinal Cross, he is then released from the ruling of Saturn and comes under the influence of Venus, who is governor or ruler of the Hierarchy which is that of the Crocodiles. A reference to the tabulation heretofore given will show this. It is only when a man is upon the Cardinal Cross that the significance, purpose and potencies of the Creative Hierarchies become clear to [164] him and the "doors of entrance" into all of them stand wide open. On the Mutable Cross and on the Fixed Cross we have the so-called green ray, controlling not only the daily life of karmic liability upon the path of evolution,, but also controlling the experiences and processes of evolution. The reason for this is that Capricorn is an earth sign and because the third and fifth rays work pre-eminently through this sign, embodying the third major aspect of divinity, active intelligence plus that of its subsidiary power, the fifth Ray of Mind. These pour through Capricorn to Saturn and to Venus and so reach our planet, the Earth. Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future. Such is the intention and purpose of karmic opportunity. From certain angles, Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family. Saturn, in a peculiar relation to the sign Gemini, makes this possible. Individual man makes this discovery and faces the two extremes whilst in the sign Capricorn; the fourth and fifth Creative Hierarchies do the same thing in Libra.

Through Saturn and Venus, therefore, Capricorn is connected with Libra and also with Gemini and Taurus, and these four constellations - Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn - constitute a potent quaternary of energies and between them produce those conditions and situations which will enable the initiate to demonstrate his readiness and capacity for initiation. They are called the "Guardians of the Four Secrets." [165]

  • Taurus - Guards the secret of light and confers illumination upon the initiate.
  • Gemini - Guards the mystery or secret of duality and presents the initiate with a word which leads to the fusion of the greater pairs of opposite.
  • Libra - Guards the secret of balance, of equilibrium and finally speaks the word which releases the initiate from the power of the Lords of Karma.
  • Capricorn - Guards the secret of the soul itself and this it reveals to the initiate at the time of the third initiation. This is sometimes called the "secret of the hidden glory."

Through certain other of the planetary rulers, through the medium of which the third and fifth rays work, Capricorn is connected with other constellations besides the four above mentioned, but these four are for our purposes the most important. Students can work out the remaining interlocking energies for themselves, if they so desire, by relating the rays, planetary rulers and constellations through reference to the tabulations already given. The subject is, however, definitely confusing to the beginner, and it is for this reason that I am dealing here with the philosophy and symbolism of the signs first of all, so as to familiarize the student with the general scheme and the universal broad interlocking.

The third and fifth rays are peculiarly active upon the Path of Discipleship, just as the sixth and fourth are dominant upon the Path of Evolution and the first and seventh upon the Path of Initiation. The second ray controls and dominates all the other rays, as you well know. [166]

PathS Rays Planets Constellations
Evolution 6th and 4th Mars - Mercury Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio
Dicipleship 3rd and 5th Venus - Saturn Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Initiation 1st and 7th Vulcan - Uranus - Pluto Taurus, Libra, Pisces
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