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Esoteric Astrology - The Zodiac and the Rays - The Creative Hierarchies
Three Creative Hierarchies condition the man in incarnation, the 4th (or 9th) the 5th (or 10th) and the 6th. These, in collaboration, create man and, at the same time, constitute the field of his expression. Man is consequently a blend of electric fire, being a divine Flame, and becomes eventually responsive to the three major controlling influences; he is also solar fire, being a solar Angel in manifestation. He then becomes increasingly responsive to the influences of the twelve constellations. He is likewise fire by friction and comes under the influence of the planets. The tabulation below may make this somewhat clearer:

    I. Electric Fire - Path of Initiation - 4th Hierarchy;
    full soul expression; monadic life.

    Goal: Identification with the Monad. Produces responsiveness to the three constellations.

    II. Solar Fire - Path of Discipleship - 5th Hierarchy;
    full life experience; soul life. [58]

    Goal: Identification with the Soul. Produces responsiveness to the twelve zodiacal constellations.

    III. Fire by Friction - Path of Evolution - 6th Hierarchy;
    life experiment; human life.

    Goal: Identification with the Personality. Produces responsiveness to the planetary influences.

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