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Discipleship in the New Age II - Personal Instructions to Disciples - L.U.T.
To  L. U. T.

August 1942

  1. The path of the pledged disciple is one of constant rending. The disciple does the rending. You have not yet [698] achieved the beauty of acceptance - the acceptance that releases.
  2. Project your values to a higher sphere and know that nothing matters connected with the earthly role of life, save learning understanding. To that attain.
  3. There are three souls who can in differing ways lead to achievement of your liberation: one, close to you, because she needs a guiding, loving understanding heart; one you will meet and needs must save; the other is Myself. For three lives now I have sought to serve your need. Respond in love to all these three.
  4. Break through the double cloud which has so long erased the vision from your heart. You have the vision but it is ever on ahead. When will it pierce the cloud and settle in your heart?
  5. Health, strength and opportunity confront your steps. A new departure can today open the door to greater, fuller life. Move on.
  6. Let the ray of your soul dominate the man of everyday and become a radiant center of saving force.
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