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Discipleship in the New Age I - Personal Instructions to Disciples - D.I.J.
August 1934


All periods of stress and strain end when the experiencing soul learns to live within itself and to serve and work, to think and feel with the consciousness ever withdrawn to the "secret place of the most High." You will know whereof I speak, because that is one of the lessons which your soul has been teaching you during the past twelve months. Physically, mentally and emotionally, you have been tried and tested and the trials which are applied to aligned personalities have been applied to you. The mark of the true aspirant is that all the three parts of the lower nature are linked more or less to the higher, thus producing a unity. This results in two things:

  1. All the three parts of the personality can react simultaneously in some measure to the life and energy of the soul.
  2. All the difficulties and trials (karmic or educational, testing or purifying) are felt in all the three bodies at once.

This is good, but it complicates the disciple's progress for he has to fight on all three battlefields at once. I tell you this for your encouragement...

That is all I have for you today, my brother. Go in peace.

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