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Esoteric Healing - Chapter IV - The Basic Requirements for Healing
Along every line of man's expanding understanding, the opportunity for that which is new to make entrance and control is becoming increasingly evident. The door of adventure (in its highest sense) stands wide open, and nothing yet has ever succeeded in stopping humanity from passing through that door; down the ages man has passed through its portals and has entered into new and richer realms of investigation, of discovery and of subsequent practical application.

Today, the door which is opening will admit man into a world of meaning - a world which is the antechamber to the world of causes. Effect; Meaning; Cause. In these three words you have the key to the growth of man's consciousness. Most men live today in the world of effects, and have no idea that they are effects. Some few are now beginning to live in the world of meaning, whilst disciples and those functioning in the world of the Hierarchy are aware, or are steadily becoming aware, of the causes which produce the effects which meaning reveals. It is for this reason that we can now start considering the basic requirements which man must meet before he can move forward along the path of future enlightenment. This enlightenment will most necessarily remove all fear of death and deal with that subject which has for so long a time driven humanity into the depths of despair and of fear. I refer also to the required attitudes which those seeking healing, the surmounting of disease and the cure of bodily ills, must realize, and with which they must cope, principally along mental lines. These requirements will evoke the mental attention of both the healing agency and the patient. They have reference also to man as a whole.

It has generally been surmised that the main prerequisite to the art of healing is faith. But this is not so. Faith has little to do with it. Healing is dependent upon [385] certain vital and basic factors into which faith enters not at all. The effort of the patient to achieve faith is frequently a great detriment to his freedom from the difficulties which lie between him and complete healing. When Christ so frequently emphasized faith (or rather that quality which is translated as faith in our Western Scriptures) He referred in reality to acceptance of law, to a recognition above all of karma, and to a knowledge of divine destiny. This, if grasped, will bring about a new attitude both to God and to circumstance. The prerequisites which I would like to emphasize might be enumerated as follows:

  1. A recognition of the great Law of Cause and Effect, if possible. This is not always possible when dealing with the totally unenlightened.
  2. Correct diagnosis of the disease by a competent physician, and later by a spiritual clairvoyant, when that capacity is developed by the initiate healer.
  3. A belief in the law of immediate Karma. By that I mean an ability on the part of the patient or of the healer to know whether it is the destiny of the patient to be healed or else be helped to make the great transition.
  4. A willingness to recognize that healing might be detrimental and basically undesirable from the standpoint of the soul. People are sometimes healed by the potency of the healer when it is not their destiny to resume active physical plane living.
  5. The active cooperation of healer and patient - a cooperation based upon mutual understanding.
  6. A determined acquiescence on the part of the patient to accept whatever may be the demonstrated will of the soul. It might be called an expression of divine indifference. [386]
  7. An effort upon the part of both healer and patient to express complete harmlessness. The value of this will repay careful thought. This has basically a reference to the relation of both parties to their associates.
  8. An effort on the part of the patient (unless too ill) to adjust and put right those aspects of the nature and those characteristics which might militate against the right spiritual perception. This is one of the meanings hidden in the phrase, the "work of restitution," though not the most important meaning.
  9. The deliberate eliminating of qualities, lines of thought and of desires which could hinder the inflow of spiritual force - a force which might integrate the soul more closely with the body in the three worlds and inaugurate a renewed life-expression, or which might integrate the soul with its emanating source and initiate renewed life on soul levels. This, therefore, affects the relation of the patient to his soul.
  10. The capacity of both healer and patient to integrate into the soul group with which they are subjectively affiliated, to integrate in other cases both personality and soul, and, if they are at a needed point of development, both to integrate more closely into the Master's ashramic group.

These ten requirements may appear simple but are not so by any means. Superficially, they may appear to deal with character and quality and capacity; fundamentally, they concern the relation of soul and body, and deal with integration or abstraction. The objective underlying them in any case is to set up an unbroken rapport between the healer [387] or the healing group and the patient who is receiving the scientific attention of the healing agent - group or individual.

One of the first things that any healing agent will have to do will be the drawing up of a simple outline of instruction which should govern the attitude of the one to be healed. These instructions must be simple, because where real illness is present it is not possible for the patient to make the simplest physical effort in order to institute any changed attitude. This is oft forgotten.

There are one or two things which I would like to make clear and which you must, in your turn, make clear to the patient.

  1. Cure is not guaranteed. Patients must realize that continuance of life in the physical body is not the highest possible goal. It may be so if the service to be rendered is of real import, if obligations remain still to be carried out, and if other lessons must still be learned. Bodily existence is not, however, the summum bonum of existence. Freedom from the limitations of the physical body is of real beneficence. Patients must learn to recognize and accept the Law of Karma.
  2. Fear is needless. One of the first objectives of the healing agent should be to aid the patient to achieve a happy, sane, expectant outlook upon his future - no matter what that future may bring.

It will be obvious too that there lies before you the opportunity to bring a new attitude to the whole problem of disease and healing and to train humanity in a better and happier sense of proportion where disease and health are concerned.[388]

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